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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Bored day

What a bored day. That was seem bored. Me and the around. Nothing special and attractive happened from i woke up in the morning until now.
I'm lonely without friends and families in my side.
I tried to ran my day with a plan. Visited my friend or watched a movie. But there was failed.. The movie wasn't attractive for me. There was only indonesian movie. And i have watched before...
Yesterday i bought the last series of twilight. Breaking down. Actually i wanna bought in english, but that was very expenssive. So i decided the indonesian..
I didn't have a spirit to read it..
Yeah maybe it was a bored day..

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Saat Ku Dewasa

Wow....I don't believe it... i will 24 years old for less a week...
It's amazing and i never thought it...
I always wanna be a boy forever...
Every wake up at the morning, i always hope i still 20. But i can't fight the destiny. Everyday i grew up... older than yesterday.
Sometimes i wanna meet Edward Cullen, so He can change me and i can 17 forever, i can be older, at least for a century. I can live for eternal. Hehehe... But it's only a fantasy. I am not live in "Dream's World"... I should be a man as soon as possible, i will 30 for 6 years, i'll 34 a decade and i'll die in someday...
I can not fight a destiny...
I should use the time as well as possible. Making beautiful life, and respect the life given by Allah..
Wish i'll happy and enjoying my maturity..

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